Superhighway Attention

Popular Mechanics Info Magazine When it comes to your auto body shop, we completely understand. Your business is more than a ‘Like’, a ‘Follow’, an ‘RT’ (retweet), a comment or a share. But let’s not forget what it all means. You are marketing your auto body shop in social media to potentially millions upon millions of users. What you’re also doing is creating a buzz that search engines, like Google, hone in on. Search engines consider anything with “buzz”, to be important. It is the latest and greatest in the world of information and if it is being sought after or discussed or viewed, search engines want to place people where the action is.

So now that your thinking about SEO (search engine optimization), your probably wondering what can you do to implement such a flood of interest to your own auto body shop’s website. Implementing SEO can certainly get overwhelming and time-consuming; however, once your auto body shop’s website has been transformed into an SEO savvy site, your business will feel it.

So what are some areas to focus on when it comes to SEO?

Linking – Internal, external, hyperlinks.

Blogging – Fresh and new content drives traffic and constantly peaks the interest of search engines.

Competition – Check into your competition from time to time and use their information wisely.

Content – Words are always the bread and butter from information given to the information people are looking for.

Keywords – These are special words, like the use of auto body shop, to flag potential users and/or customers to your site.

Promoting your auto body shop online is just as effective, if not more effective, than signs and posters and all the traditional methods of marketing. Yet, when it comes down to more bang for a buck, there is always more ‘information superhighway’ traffic than all the peak rush hour traffic on any drive-able highway in the world.

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