We know. You get it. Get online or your auto body shop doesn’t shine. Your website is really just a convenient way to window shop without spending gas in a time efficient manner. These days fast pace is increasing becoming a faster pace. Customers want to get back into their routine or get back to whatever challenges they need to meet in order for their family to succeed. Between work, errands, and taking Jr. to football practice, a potential customer wants and expects convenience, quickness, and a hassle-free way to do that window shopping. What constitutes convenience? Being online, but more importantly, being everywhere your potential customer may be. Having a website is great, but being involved in social media is a great extension to your website. How does a website offer quickness? With easiness in reading by way of organized pages with design that appeals to the eye. Your potential customers are visiting your website with questions in regards to estimates, services, costs, and location. You want your collision repair center to offer up this information in an efficient way that gives the customer a hassle-free feeling. Use your website similar to a power point presentation. Focus on the main areas of interest which are typically the questions and answers that come up the most within your auto body shop. Design online at collisionwebsites.com and transform your auto body shops website into a convenient stop for your customers. Start a free trial today and find out how easy it is to create your window dressing for current and potential customers. Website: collisionwebsites.com / Email: info@collisionwebsites.com / Phone: 866-341-9636 / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollisionWebsites / Twitter: @CollisionBldr