Collision Websites
easy to design a
We have a great number of user friendly features to make a website quick and easy to edit.
Front End Editor.
Collision Builder’s front end drag and drop website builder gives you total control over the layout of your pages. Our intuitive website builder works in real-time on the front end of your page.
Pre-Built Modules.
Over 60 unique modules already built and ready to be dropped into your site. There are a lot of fun custom modules to really make your site stand out.
Let’s face it. You’re good at what you do. Your customers are bragging about you. So put it on your website!
Go ahead. Don’t be shy.
Before and
After Gallery.
A whole gallery of Before and After pictures of your favorite projects that you can share online with anyone and everyone who's looking to see! Don't just tell your customers how great you are. Show them.
Hero Banner
Background Video.
We want to make your life and your customers lives easier.
Affordable &
High quality websites are expensive. But, they don't have to be.
Collision Websites
website development
Our development tools make customizing your site simple and hassle free.
Online Estimate.
Running a successful body shop is hard. Getting a new website should be easy.
FAQ Set-Up.
Setting up an easy to edit FAQ section for your services will address commonly asked questions from customers and save you time.
Mobile- Friendly.
Our websites come ready to go and are completely mobile free. Allowing each user to view your business easily no matter the size of their monitor, phone, ipad, or tablet.
One Domain.
One free domain comes with your purchased plan option.
Not everyone can speak or read a certain language, having a Language Translation option on your site is key to reach a diverse range of clients.
Mobile Feature.
Nowadays, a large majority of people use their phones to search for services. We offer a quick and efficient Click-To-Call Mobile Features that allows the client to call you with a single click rather then typing in a phone number.
Collision Websites
with some of your
get a high-quality website with an extra kick to help make your site look even more amazing then it all ready is!
Stock Photos.
No images of your business or vehicles? No worries, we got you covered with stock photos that you can use for imagery and depict what you do and how you do it.
Content Creation
(Text Only).
Not sure what to write? No problem! We got you covered! Our staff is ready to lend a helping hand to write up creative and helpful content to make your site look and even sound better then ever!
Collision Websites
get a high-quality website with body shop specific custom features
at an affordable price.
Monthly Digital
Marketing Tips.
Digital Marketing can be tough, which is why we will send you monthly Digital Marketing tips to help your business succeed!
One on One
A little confused or just not sure on how something works? We offer One-on-One training to help you get more comfortable with your site!
On-Page SEO.
With the purchase of a plan, we will aid you in your quest to reach more people and show up more on search engines with our On-Page Search Engine Optimization.
Video Training
Along with our One-on-One Training, we offer Video Training if you prefer to self-learn and go at your own pace.
Custom Email Address.
Depending on which plan you pick, we offer a custom email address that fit your website and your business needs.
Collision Websites
With our front end editor, it has never been easier to customize and edit your site!