SEO strategies are divided into 2 main categories – onsite and offsite optimization. What are the differences between onsite and offsite SEO? Which one should you prioritize? What are the different SEO techniques in these two categories? Read on to learn more!
Onsite vs Offsite SEO – The Difference
Onsite SEO is the process of ensuring your website is search engine-friendly. You optimize everything within your website – pages, titles, images, tags, written content, other media, codes and overall structure.
Typically, SEO strategies start with an onsite SEO focus. Onsite SEO involves refining keywords, content creation, and on-page fixing and optimization.
After optimizing your website, the next on the to-do list is gain a significant amount of inbound links also known as backlinks. Offsite SEO is the process of gathering inbound links to your website. You can do this by promoting your website and content to other existing websites and internet users.
Search engines check the credibility of every website. Link building is an effective method in enhancing your website’s credibility. The more backlinks you get from other respectable sites, the more credible your business can appear to search engines.
Onsite and offsite SEO are both important to your website’s success. Here are some surefire strategies to get started with onsite and offsite optimization.
Onsite Optimization Strategies
1. Keyword Research
As discussed in our previous blog post, a good SEO strategy starts with an in-depth research. A thorough keyword research makes a perfect basis and foundation for a well-built SEO plan.
- What are the high-performing keywords in your industry and specific location?
- Which keywords should you prioritize?
- Are there any keywords you can target that your competitors are overlooking?
Once you’re confident with your research, have a list of keywords you should target and proceed to optimize your website with that information in hand.
2. Content Creation and Optimization
Search engines use spiders (algorithms) to crawl your websites for pages they can index. They gather information about your business through your pages. Then, they store all indexed information in a database which is then used to determine your search ranking for specific keywords.
In short, it all starts with a page in your website. The more published content on your website the better. Each content published online is considered a page. More content means more indexed pages and higher chances to rank on your target keywords.
- Use your keyword research as basis when creating content.
Use your keywords whenever appropriate. Avoid keyword stuffing or spamming your website with too many keywords. Search engines consider this as an attempt to manipulate search ranking which can get your website penalized.
Your keyword research also gives you an idea of what your target audience is looking for. Create content that answers the questions of your potential clients.
- Have a regular content schedule.
Create and publish content on your website on a regular basis. Keep in mind that your content needs to be engaging, user-friendly, credible and high-quality. Creating quality content on a regular basis gives off a nice impression to search engines.
All content you publish on your website should be optimized – blog posts, page title, meta descriptions, images, infographics, videos, and other media. Your content serves as the cornerstone of your website, so the higher the quality of your content is, the more powerful your website will be.
3. Link Optimization
Every web page has their own permanent link otherwise known as slug. Optimizing these links is also important in SEO.
- Keep it short and concise.
An optimized link is short with a maximum 225 character limit. Your links should also be descriptive and include your target keywords. Users should get the gist of a page just from the link.
- Monitor your website for broken links.
Broken or dead links stop search engines in their tracks when crawling your website. 404 error pages can also drive users away, contributing to a poor user experience. Remember, for search engines user experience is the top priority.
- Utilize internal linking.
Once search engine crawlers reach a page in your website they follow the links they find there both internal and external links. If there’s no other link in your page, crawlers leave your page after indexing it.
Using internal links in your pages is a good SEO strategy. It’s one way of introducing your other pages to search engine crawlers. You also get to introduce other related pages to your visitors.
4. Responsive Web Design
Search engines aim to provide the best experience to their users and they want you to do the same with your website. Having a responsive web design is a must. Users are unlikely to stick around if your website is hard to figure out and navigate.
- Have a mobile-friendly web design.
We’re in an era where most internet users are now browsing the web using mobile devices. Search engines expect every website to adapt to this mobile movement. Your auto body shop needs a mobile-friendly website now.
- Make sure every page loads fast.
Page speed is an established search ranking factor. Fast-loading sites are known to be favored in search results. Users are also most likely to close your site if it takes time to load. Make sure every page in your website loads as quickly as possible.
Offsite Optimization Strategies
1. Citations
Citation is a common offsite SEO practice where you mention the name, address, phone number and website of your auto body shop in local business listings and directories online.
Citations can be done on several online directories, websites, apps and social platforms such as Facebook, Google My Business, Yelp, and Yellow Pages.
Search engines collect data for every website. Gain their trust and maintain a consistent and accurate record of your business in every citation you do.
2. Influencers Marketing
You can also build links by reaching out to influencers. These are people who are considered as authorities and credible source of information in a certain industry. You need to find influencers in the auto body shop and collision repair industry – someone who does auto repair reviews or some experts on automotive detailing.
Reach out to these influencers and establish a relationship. Once you build a good rapport with some influencers, they can write a promote your business and services on their own website or social media accounts. That’s more backlinks to your website and maybe some good referrals too!
3. Guest Posting
There are other credible blogs and websites that might offer guest publishing. This gives you a chance to promote your auto body shop and website on other sites. Aside from guest posting, take this opportunity to build connections with other businesses within your industry as well.
- Always aim for a mutually beneficial relationship with the host.
- Connect with as many credible websites as possible so you can enhance your reach and influence.
- Keep in mind that whatever you post as a guest represents your website. Create content like how you would in your own website – engaging, reader-friendly, credible and high quality.
4. Utilize Social Media
You probably know by now how social media is such a great platform for businesses online. If you want to make your auto body shop popular online, you need to get on social media. Be a social media master and you can get the inbound links you are aiming for. Two words – engage and share!
- Engage with your target customers on different social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
- Share useful and informational content that your customers can utilize. If they love what you give them, they might share them with their social media friends too!
Mastering both onsite and offsite optimization helps guarantee SEO success for your website. Optimize your website, get all the backlinks you deserve and secure that high search ranking you are aiming for! Contact Collision Websites to know more!