Website Builders vs Page Builders: What Everybody Really Ought to Know

Don’t you wish your website was finished already?

The last thing you want to deal with after putting out fires all day is getting started with a builder just to find out it’s the wrong kind of builder and can’t do what you wanted. To sink all that time and money into something just to find that you can’t really make the website your business deserves quickly, easily and on your timetable. The good news is that you CAN get a quality website up TODAY – in about 5 minutes – without sacrificing customization and convenience.  You just have to know what you’re signing up for. You need to know the differences between website builders vs page builders, what’s right for you and what you’re signing up for. 

What Do Website Builders and Page Builders Have in Common? 

The bare bones, simple answer is that website builders and page builders are both tools that let you build your website without touching code.  

More often than not, we’re talking about a website or software – online or offline – that helps you build your website starting from a template. This generally means making selections from a set of options and/or dragging and dropping modules to create your website. 

However, the issue of website builders vs page builders isn’t that simple because website builders and pages builders are 2 different parts of the equation. 

Website Builders don’t necessarily include page builders and page builders don’t necessarily have to be used with website builders. 

What Are the Differences Between Website Builders vs Page Builders? 

Website Builders vs Page Builders = Platforms vs Plugins

Roughly speaking, website builders are generally platforms that you build your website on, while page builders are generally plugins or something similar you use in your site. 

For example, a website builder is a program you’d download to your computer and open – or, more likely, a website you’d log into – and then you would begin to create your website within that platform

Once your website comes into existence (curtesy of the website builder) you can use a tool called a page builder – if available – to customize individual pages. 

A website builder may or may not include a page builder and of course, the quality of page builders varies considerably. 

Website Builders vs Page Builders = Bones vs Meat 

So, we talked about how website and pages builders are different types of tools. Now, let’s talk about their functions. 

First, let’s think about our websites in terms of the “bones/DNA” and “meat.” 

A website builder should let you build the bones/DNA of your website – the parts that won’t really change after you set up your site, but that will influence your site’s structure and style. For example, the areas at the very top and bottom of your site – you know, the places where your logo, contact info and links live. You pretty much decide on a look and layout of the areas and stick to it. This is also when you make decisions about overall color scheme, font, etc of your website. Keep in mind as you choose a website builder, that a quality builder will let you change colors, etc. from the template. Some builders may not. 

A page builder, on the other hand, lets you flesh out the “meat” of the website – the parts that you’ll really want to customize and add to as your site ages. For example, the body of your services page, the information you highlight on your home page, a blog, etc. Keep in mind that not all website builders include quality page builders and that you could get stuck with a layout that may or may not work for you moving forward. 

Which One’s Right for You? 

Here’s the deal. You probably want a website builder because it CAN get you up and running quickly. But think QUALITY here. A website builder that locks you into a set look and layout won’t really serve your business. You’ll always be settling and you’ll eventually go with a better website builder down the line which generally means starting over. Go quality from the start and you’ll save yourself time and heartache. 

You CAN get along without a page builder, but a good one makes creating knock-out content a lot easier and you WANT to be creating great content. 

Basically you need a quality website builder and page builder that give you a killer kick-start AND leave you room to tweak.  

Is Collision Websites a Website Builder or a Page Builder? 

Great question! And the answer is… yes! 

Collision Websites is a quality website builder that lets you customize the basic look and layout of the bones of your site. AND it’s also got a killer page builder for nailing premium content. 

More than that though, we provide pre-built templates pre-loaded with great content created just for body shops. 

So you can have your body shop website online in 5 MINUTES. And you can tweak it to best fit your shop. 

Start a FREE 14-day trial right now – no credit card required – and check it out. 

Want help creating additional content for you site? Shoot us an email at and tell us what you have in mind. 

Keep safe and be awesome. 

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